Albert Le Blanc


By Nick Butterworth (Collins)

When Albert le Blanc arrives in Mr Jolly’s toy shop, he immediately catches everyone’s attention.  Not because he’s so big, but because he doesn’t have a smile.  In fact he’s the saddest looking bear the other toys have ever seen and they decide to make it their mission to make him smile.

They put on a show to cheer him up even though he keeps trying to tell them something. Eventually he manages to shout out “I’m not unhappy!  This is the way I look.” Not before Sally the Hippo, who has put on some red lipstick and performed a little ballet dance, falls on top of him, leaving him with a huge lipstick grin on his face. Everyone bursts out laughing, including Albert.

A lovely, original story about appearances, the power of a smile and the warmth of friends. Children seem to love saying Albert’s name – especially if you can get them to say it with a French accent.  Nick Butterworth is the award-winning author and illustrator of many books, including Percy the Park Keeper and The Whisperer among others.


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