Enter the magical world of impossible creatures and the humans (and semi-humans) who protect them. Mal is a small girl who can fly when the wind blows. Christopher is a young boy about to discover that his amazing ability to attract animals is a sign of his true potential. Together they must save the world from a deadly enemy draining the life energy out of their world.
Artemis Fowl Series
Artemis Fowl is a riveting and exciting adventure fantasy series for age 9 +. Artemis Fowl is a twelve-year-old child prodigy with a criminal mastermind, dedicating his life to leading the Fowl criminal empire, which has existed in his family for generations.
Pearl of The Sea
A fantasy graphic novel about a girl and a sea monster who form an unlikely bond, helping one another learn to trust again. Guest reviewed by Nancy Richards.
Dog Man Series
This series about a half man/half-dog superhero called Dog Man is another popular kids comic series by Dav Pilkey for children age 7+.
Beast Quest Series
Beast Quest is a bestselling fantasy adventure series for 7-11 year olds that boasts over 130 books and millions of fans around the world. In series 1 the story starts in the land of Avantia, where the evil wizard Malvel has cast spells on the great protective beasts of the land, including Ferno the Fire Dragon who watches over Southern Avantia, protecting the water supply for all the people.
When Marnie Was There
Anna is a lonely little orphan sent to live with foster parents who are kind but unable to penetrate her thick wall of sadness and introspection. Anna does not care for anything, she is indifferent to the girls at school who don’t invite her to play, and she is almost deadened to her feelings. She doesn’t expect to make friends – she has decided she is always on the outside.
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