
Sophie Johnson: Unicorn Expert

Sophie Johnson: Unicorn Expert

Who doesn’t love a unicorn?  Sophie Johnston: Unicorn Expert loves them so much she ‘owns’ 17 unicorns of her own. Or course there’s a lot of work involved in training them and looking after them but Sophie rises to the challenge with style.  But who’s that hiding in plain sight on every page?

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The Boy Who Cried Ninja

It’s hard when no one believes you. Tim is always getting into trouble – except he tells his parents it wasn’t him who did all those naughty things… it was the ninja, or the astronaut, or the giant squid, or the pirate. Of course they don’t believe him and tell him to go water the vegetable patch and think about how bad he’s been. “If he told the truth, he was in trouble and if he lied he was also in trouble. What could he do?’

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