Witchfield is a magical adventure story for 8-12 year olds about two friends, Katie and Themba, who take on a strange mystery in a small South African town.
South African author
This is the Chick
This is the Chick is a delightful tale about the repercussions of one tiny ‘cheep’ from a little guinea fowl chick – so fluffy and small. As each of the animals reacts to the other – they begin to stampede to the ranger’s house – convinced there is a horrible monster ‘with terrible teeth and and an enormous head, ‘ on the loose.
Not So Fast Songolola
This was one of the first books I read many years ago by the talented Niki Daly. Shepherd goes into the city with his Gogo (grandmother) to help her do the shopping. Gogo walks very slowly, but Shepard likes to take his time as well, hence his nickname Songolola, which is Zulu for millipede.
The Boy Who Cried Ninja
It’s hard when no one believes you. Tim is always getting into trouble – except he tells his parents it wasn’t him who did all those naughty things… it was the ninja, or the astronaut, or the giant squid, or the pirate. Of course they don’t believe him and tell him to go water the vegetable patch and think about how bad he’s been. “If he told the truth, he was in trouble and if he lied he was also in trouble. What could he do?’
Penguin’s Hidden Talent
It was time for the big annual talent competition and everyone was practicing their talent. Except Penguin. “Penguin couldn’t think what his talent was.” He knew it wasn’t baking, map reading or knitting, so his friends tried to help him find out what he was good at.
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