By Dallas Clayton (Harper)
This is one of the books that inspired me to create this site. I found it through word of mouth (my sister-in-law) and ordered it on the internet. ( I loved the backstory of how Dallas Clayton self published when he couldn’t find anyone to publish his books, then self-promoted them to schools across America until he caught the attention of Harper Collins publishers and got himself a book deal.
Written for his son, An Awesome Book inspires children to dream, not about owning a car, an appliance, or matching silverware, but to remember their crazy, fantastical, wild imagination dreams. It will inspire a mini philosophical discussion with your kids about the important things in life. Need more matching silverware? No!!! The illustrations are magically wild and they got my son, who was 6 at the time, to draw his own amazing machines that could make the most fantastical things (mainly sweets!). It ends “Close your eyes, my child, and dream that perfect dream, inside your head.” – an inspiring message that makes a great gift book. Clayton has since written three more books – find them on