
Dyslexia and Reading Skills

Dyslexia and Reading Skills

Dyslexia impacts on literacy and the ability to process and remember information – which is why reading, writing and spelling are tricky. Dyslexic children are often bright, and may be able to explain things verbally but battle to get their ideas on paper.  Here’s 11 tips to help your dyslexic child’s literacy journey.

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Growing Writers: Write Your Own Story Book

Growing Writers: Write Your Own Story Book

When children get inspired to write their own stories, this is the book you can steer them towards.  Growing writers will love the write-in spiral bound style which they can take wherever they go, and it has prompts, tips and a story writing tool kit to help them learn to write their own stories.

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Mr Men and Little Miss Series

Mr Men and Little Miss Series

The series offers a very clever way of getting children to discuss emotions and personality types and how we need all types in the world. In each story the character is given a challenge – Little Miss Sunshine comes across Miseryland – she is reprimanded for breaking all the rules and when she asks why people aren’t allowed to smile and laugh she’s told because that’s the rule!

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