Why are fairy tales still so powerful, thousands of years later? I am a big fan of nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Why? Because not only is this how I fell in love with reading, but their structure and story arc, filled with adventure, mystery, magic, danger and...
Children’s Classics
Richard Scarry’s Best Treasury Ever
This Richard Scarry classic is a happy primary-coloured trip filled with illustrations and much-loved characters to keep little ones entertained for hours. The detail-filled illustrations and story lines – filled with characters such as Huckle, Lowly, Bananas Gorilla, Sergeant Murphy, Sam and Dudley are still as entertaining and humorous as ever.
Drawing Made Easy
By E.G Lutz (Lom Art - an imprint of Micheal O'Mara books) First printed in 1921, this is the book credited with inspiring Walt Disney's animation career. A simple step-by-step breakdown of how to draw using basic shapes and drawing everything from birds and animals...
The Kissing Hand
Chester Raccoon doesn’t want to go to school. He wants to stay at home with his mom, and play with his toys, and swing on his swing… He asks his mom: “Please may I stay home with you?”
And I mean it, Stanley
As a scruffy little girl gathers old discarded junk objects to build a fantastical ‘great thing’ she talks through a fence to Stanley, telling him she knows he is there, and she’s not going to show him what she’s made, so he mustn’t bother coming out. So who is Stanley?
Curious George
Curious George is a very curious little monkey who is captured in Africa by The Man in the Yellow Hat and bought to live in a zoo in ‘the big city’. he ends up living with the Man in in the Yellow Hat and has all sorts of funny escapades and adventures.
The Little Engine That Could
‘I think I can, I think I can, I know I can!’ Were more encouraging words ever spoken to a child? This childhood classic is still just as powerful, 70 years on after children first read about the little steam engine that got stuck and couldn’t get over the mountain.
Llama Llama Red Pajama
Llama is waiting for his mama, who has tucked him in to bed then gone to fetch him a glass of water. When she doesn’t come back quickly, he starts to worry and fuss, eventually hollering for her as he gets cross. Such a familiar scenario – the perfect rhyming bedtime read.
Kipper’s Birthday
Kipper plans his birthday party, baking a yummy cake the day before and making invitations – inviting everyone to his party ‘tomorrow.’ Only problem is he delivers the invites the next day and suddenly gets confused. Is his party today or was it yesterday? Or maybe it’s only tomorrow?
Mr Men and Little Miss Series
The series offers a very clever way of getting children to discuss emotions and personality types and how we need all types in the world. In each story the character is given a challenge – Little Miss Sunshine comes across Miseryland – she is reprimanded for breaking all the rules and when she asks why people aren’t allowed to smile and laugh she’s told because that’s the rule!
Milly-Molly-Mandy’s Family
This is all about Milly-Molly-Mandy (her real name is Millicent Margeret Amanda which is too long to shout out so her family shortened it). She lives with her father, mother, grandpa, grandma, uncle and aunty in a small white cottage with a thatched roof. Her family are kind. Everyone in the family has jobs to do and hers is to run errands for everyone.
Angelina Ballerina’s Christmas Stories
Angelina Ballerina is a firm favorite in our house – the endearing tales of a little mouse called Angelina who loves to dance and play with her friends has captured little girl’s imaginations round the world since she was launched in 1983. This is a compilation of two previously released stories.

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