Aunt Amelia

By Rebecca Cobb (Macmillan)

Ages 4-6

Being left with a babysitter is often no fun – especially when it’s a new babysitter and your mum and dad leave a strict list of rules t0 be followed.  Luckily Aunt Amelia follows the rules with a little twist – whatever they say don’t do – she does!  From swimming in the dam to making muddy fun and eating dessert for supper, this turns out to be the best night ever. Of course the fact that Aunt Amelia is a crocodile adds to the novelty. Lovely, witty and warm hearted – this is a story little children will love. With Rebecca Cobb’s gorgeous illustrations the story becomes another classic.  See her award winning illustrations in Julia Donaldson’s Paper Dolls.  Other books include The Something and Lunchtime which gained her a Waterstone’s award for Best Picture Book 2013.

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