Children love reading about themselves. They want to know all the cute things they said and did and what they liked eating, what games they liked playing and where they lived. They also love looking through photo albums at baby pictures, family holidays, school photo’s and more. Taking time to put those memories together can be time consuming but also a labour of love. I started out ambitiously with my first baby and she has a lovely baby album, my next baby girl got half an album and my poor son has a stack of photo’s in a flip file. True story. I am on a mission to set this right however, after a friend showed me the gorgeous and memory-filled albums he made for his two girls.
If you have time on your hands check out blogger Stephanie at Stephanie Makes for some fun and creative ideas. (These images attached are from her blog). She makes it look so easy – and beautiful – but I don’t know where to find the time! Scrapbooking was a huge trend ten years ago – now its gone underground – or maybe I’m just out of that phase!
If you’re like me, try Mega Memories digital albums and calendars. They will compile your albums for you – just browse through the book themes and download the one you love. Slot in your pics (which can take a while, so put aside an afternoon or two or three by the fire). Prices are reasonable – plus these albums will last a lot longer than the old ones – which always end up losing their sticky parts and dropping photo’s like confetti as you pick them up. I’m going to have all the old baby photo’s scanned into digital format to bring them up to date. There are several companies offering this service – I’ll let you know who I end up using.
Have fun and let us know what you create!