Little Cakes and Cookies to Bake

By Abigail Wheatley (Usborne)

Age 7+

A gift from the grandparents, this book has been an absolute winner in our house of little cooks.

Quick and easy recipes ranging from simple biscuits to shortbread fingers, chocolate eclairs and macaroons make this the perfect recipe book for playdates or kid’s first solo baking sessions.  My ten year old loves choosing something to bake when she has a friend over and they need very little input from the grownups.  The cleaning up part is not so easy!

Allergy friendly

I also like the fact that it lists possible allergies for each recipe and offers alternative ingredients. The explanation of how to make icing and frostings, decorations and fillings is also very useful and will teach them skills for life. The layout is easy to follow and the step-by-step instructions make it virtually foolproof.

We love the Usborne range of books and in the UK, this book seems to have been renamed The Children’s Books of Baking Cakes. 


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