Moving House!

By Helping Hands and illustrated by Jess Stockham  (Child’s Play International)

Best for ages 0-4

Moving house can be overwhelming for little ones and this is a very practical book about all that needs to be done to get the big move underway.  Sometimes focusing on all the practical details helps allay fears and anxiety. What shall we pack, what shall we give away?  By giving your child a goal you encourage their sense of responsibility and pride in being a part of the process. The story is not character or plot-driven so it’s more of an open conversation about all the issues that may be on your child’s mind. The Helping Hand books cover a range of experiences that children may have to deal with as they grow up, so look out for them on other topics such as divorce, bullying, sickness and dealing with strangers.  All their books are great at looking at your child’s development and speaking to their needs at that age.  We also love the warm illustrations by Jess Stockham, who is a prolific author and illustrator.



The publishers, Child’s Play, believe in early learning books that promote learning through play.  All their books are chosen for diversity in terms of heritage, disability, gender and family. See more here.



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