Oliver and the Seawigs

7-9 years old

by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre

Guest reviewed by Aimee Rosmarin, 9 years old, Grade 4

I got this book on holiday at The Book Lounge in Cape Town.  Hooked on Books came to talk to us at our school and when they did this book I knew I wanted to read it.  I’m so glad I did. “Oliver and the Seawigs” is about a ten-year old boy Oliver Crisp and his explorer parents. They go everywhere in their ‘explorermobile’. His parents go to find some new islands that suddenly come up near their home in Deepwater Bay. When they don’t come back, Oliver goes out in a little dinghy to find them. On his way he meets Iris, a mermaid; Mr. Culpeper, an albatross; and Cliff, one of the Rambling Isles. It’s a very funny and crazy book with lots of pictures. It’s easy to read. I really enjoyed it. ps: A sea wig is a wig – with hair – that the islands wear – really!!



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