When I’m Feeling… Series

By Trace Moroney (The Five Mile Press)

When I’m feeling…Loved, Jealous, Kind, Lonely, Sad, Angry, Scared, Happy.

I’ve been looking for a good series that explores emotions and feelings for younger children and this is perfect. When children read about how emotions make us behave  – feeling loved makes us kind, or feeing sad can make us angry – they have a safe space to explore how their emotions make them act. For example, if your child is feeling jealous of a new sibling, talking about the feeling of jealousy and how it makes them feel, is more helpful than getting angry and saying “Be nice to your baby brother!”

This sweet series uses words like ‘When I’m feeling loved I feel warm and safe and protected.’ Then it goes on to explain what being loved makes you able to do – look after yourself, and others, share, and be able to deal with things that go wrong. There are some notes for parents at the back and they work well with Emotional Intelligence (EQ) teachings.

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