
How to PLOT your story

How to PLOT your story

A good plot is the key to a page-turning story that keeps your reader interested and helps to guide you through the writing process. Organiser of the Kingsmead Young Writers’ Competition, Corinne Rosmarin, shares top tips on creating a plot for any story.

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Spilling Ink – A Young Writer’s Handbook

Spilling Ink – A Young Writer’s Handbook

Spilling Ink is one of the best handbooks for young writers you’ll find, with everything from finding your writer’s voice to plotting what happens, creating your characters, choosing a narrative voice (who is telling your story) and getting into a writing practice.

The authors have put together everything a young writer needs to know.

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To find the time to write…

To find the time to write…

I'm writing this at month end.  Which is a mad time to try to find the time to write because bills are due, filing is all over the floor, staff must be paid, emails sent and replied to and children's activities for the coming month planned and diarised. But I'm...

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