Month: May 2014



Never, ever cry… She always knew she was different, but after her mother was killed in a freak accident, seventeen year old Eureka distances herself from her friends and family – except for her best friends, Brooks and Cat. But when she meets the mysterious boy with the turquoise eyes, her world is turned upside down. Her mother always loved puzzles, so when Eureka finds an ancient story, of heartbreak and sorrow, should she even be surprised?

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The English Roses Series

The English Roses Series

Madonna’s books about The English Roses have done well. With cute names, Grace, Nicole, Binah, Amy and Charlotte, the ‘five funky fashionable friends’ are schoolgirls in London who go to school in Hampstead and spend their time doing things like shopping, hanging out, cooking, having sleep overs and boy watching – you get the picture. The illustrations are gorgeous and raise the book to a designer level.

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Notes From A Headmaster’s Desk

Notes From A Headmaster’s Desk

Being the first non-Jewish headmaster of Kind David High School Linksfield, Johannesburg was enough of an introduction to get my interest piqued. So on a chilly Tuesday evening last week we clutched our glasses of wine at Love Books in Melville and listened to Falconer’s humble and slightly apologetic launch of his book, Notes from a Headmaster’s Desk. “

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