By Cathy Fitzgerald and illustrated by Chloe Dominique (Farshare) Age 8-12 A whirlwind adventure story of enchantment and danger as twelve-year-old Pinch Perkins and her nemesis, Henry de Sallowe battle to find the cure to the enchanted sleep her mother has fallen...
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Witchfield is a magical adventure story for 8-12 year olds about two friends, Katie and Themba, who take on a strange mystery in a small South African town.
The Haunted Library: An Anansi Mystery
The new Anansi Mystery series is a well written afro-centric adventure and fantasy series for pre-teens. When twins, Karabo and Siphe, overhear some workers complaining about strange goings on at the construction site for the new library, Karabo is determined to discover what is going on. Together with their friend Bandile and his dog Zuko, they get pulled into a ghostly adventure.
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