Month: February 2015

Young Bond: Shoot To Kill

Young Bond: Shoot To Kill

From the moment James arrives at a new school something crazy happens and he is being chased by other students who want to beat him up. The action continues when he is offered a place on an exclusive airship trip to America. The night before they take off another student shows him a movie clip he has accidentally received which shows someone being killed.

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Milly-Molly-Mandy’s Family

Milly-Molly-Mandy’s Family

This is all about Milly-Molly-Mandy (her real name is Millicent Margeret Amanda which is too long to shout out so her family shortened it). She lives with her father, mother, grandpa, grandma, uncle and aunty in a small white cottage with a thatched roof. Her family are kind. Everyone in the family has jobs to do and hers is to run errands for everyone.

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