As Thabo gets closer to blast off day, he has to learn about things like recycling pee, experiencing zero gravity, altitude chambers, how to speak Martian and practicing self defence against aliens!  It’s totally entertaining and imaginative. 

The South African slang and references will make it especially relatable to local young readers as they will recognise their lives in the book. I loved the mention of games like Tok-Tokkie (knocking on doors and running away), ching chong cha, bunking school, Bubblegum Oatees and mini marshmallows, taking chill pills (slang for relax), and others. 

Thabo the Space Dude Book 2 and 3 continue the journey into space with lots more adventure, laughs and silliness.

The perfect early chapter book for new or reluctant readers. 

Read our interview with bestselling author Lori-Ann Preston here.




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